Fire Incident Operational Support
North State AV understands the challenge of deploying a huge wildfire command center on location in a potentially unfamiliar town in a matter of a day or two. You need vendors who answer the phone and have the gear and staff available on a moments notice ready to leave town immediately. People who are responsible, reliable and safe, who know how to do all the things you might ask of them without struggling, with a positive and team oriented attitude and quickly. We have worked hard to build our staff and inventory to meet the needs of our fire and forestry crews throughout California. This involves detailed classroom training and demonstrations and predesigned packaged systems that are dedicated to rolling out on these fires. The following are just some of the services we offer for Fire Depoloyments and a specific description that clearly shows exactly how we differentiate ourselves from our competitors. To book these services for your deployment call Bob Tolar on his mobile line at (530) 570-1212. If I don’t answer please leave a message, I’ll be calling back in under a minute most likely.